Service is about to begin... End Quote
OK... What do I pack? Well I guess I need to figure out what I'm going to need. That could take all day ... UGHH! I'll just start with the necessities like SHOES!! Packing is not my strong suit but hoarding is so I just have to think backwards and I should be fine (in theory). How did I accumulate so much stuff? I'm gonna have to take it all with me and figure out something when I get there.
So I have decided to keep a record of my events ( no matter how small or large) and work experience that I will have on this trip to the vineyard. Which vineyard you ask?
The beginning of a long battle... |
Blogging rule # 1 : Don't forget your dictionary!
Ummm ... let me grab an atlas and a compass. Martha's Vineyard ( which is not in New York ) is where I will be heading for the month of August.
You and your shoes Guiseppe! HA. Let's do lunch when you get back. I want to hear about your adventures.