Let's start this post off with a descriptionof the meal I had at L'etoile french restaurant. It was a great day to go out and eat and having just spent the morning with a friend from DC. I was looking forward to chilling out and enjoying some really good food. L'etoile is set within a boutique hotel near the center of Edgartown. When I got to the restaurant I walked in the door and immediately felt under dressed because they all had black button up shirts and the whole deal. I'm wearing my usual grey boots and my jean shirt ( from Gstar ofcourse) but I didn't get any looks for people or the staff. I sat right dead center of an empty bar and kind of did my whole speal about being from DC and working up here for the summer. I think people love hearing about that kind of stuff and It helped him later on when he realized I was ordering just for me. I got a peach side car and those of you know I LOVE SIDE CAR it was pretty damn good and by the time I sipped it I was ready to order. The had a good menu really french so I decided to stay away from the butter and I think I did well and mom I ate all my vegetables. So for first I had the shortribs with soft polenta and tomato onion marmalade. They were really tender and the balsamic drizzle really gave the tomato marm some substance. Second course I had the chef whim salad which he described and I took it as the chef's way of showing you all the local greens on one plate there were arugula, watercress, avocado, and even lobster. Really good and really refreshing but I'm not sure I wold pay $19 dollars for it again but I thought it was a great start. For main course I got the duck breast and leg with wild rice corn melange and a maple cognac sauce. That thing was beautiful and he took the breast and sliced it at least 20 times and fan it over the plate. I thought it couldn't get better and then some old friends walked into the bar. ( No one got hurt though haha) I met a nice couple at State Road the other night while I was eating and told them that I am just eating around and blogging abit. I was kinda shocked that they remembered me and they sat right next to me and we just started to discuss the food of NYC and DC. We chatted for a good 20 or so minutes well I put back my dessert which was a flourless chocolate cake with coffee ice cream and peanut butter sauce. I parted ways with the couple and gave them my DC restaurant's info and my blog ( ofcourse) and looked forward to seeing them in DC one day soon.
After eating that great meal I headed up the coast to Saltwater and that night it named it GROUND ZERO ( in a good way haha). I walked in to a packed dining room and well it was packed like I'm not sure how else to put it. I grabbed a seat at the bar and just watching everything and everyone. I wasn't drunk and no one felt like they were being eye raped but I just wanted to see the other side of the line up here. I noticed a couple at the far end of the bar and something about them seemed a bit odd. So when the chef came out and started chatting with them I thought the guy must be a chef somewhere in the area. Turns out Patrick is a chef at Fenway park the Boston Red Sox stadium in Boston. He came over and the first thing he said to me was " So you work with carl?" and from that point on it was beer after beer of talking about theBoston way of life. And carl don't trip nothing but good things was said about you well besides some things. But he wanted you to tell me about you final meal in school that included driftwood. Not sure about that but look forward to hearing about it. As we talked outside around the lagoon I was telling him that one of carl's friends was cheffing upisland and he thought I was pulling his leg. I assured him that the chef at the Chilmark Tavern Pete Gwilliam was on island and a call was made. An hour later I'm driving up island on a winding road to a Chef house full of cooks and a freaking kegarator. I spent so many hours just talking about BS and food and the one and only Carl Dooley. I was also talking to chrissy (a guy) because I think he might come down to DC and cook with us pretty excited about that. I woke up on a coach with FIFA on xbox on the brain quickly grabbed my gear and headed home for a quick hour nap and then off to saltwater for my last week as a vineyard chef. Great times was had last night and I appreciate pete for allowing me to sleep on his couch but I'm looking forward to my trip back to DC. But before I do that my host family is moving into there water front home on the vineyard's sound so I get a chance to live it up there for 3 days before I leave.
Peach Side Car mmmm |
Pete's chef housing and the fire pit |
Edgartown's center |
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