Just so you guys know Martha's Vineyard has lost it's glossy finish and has become fogged and smearyeyed. Yes I made up a word!!!
I'm not convinced that the island is a great place to vacation for more than a few weeks. Well had I been sent up here for a vacation it might have been different. For you see I was summoned to do battle with the onslaught of tourist here to feed and lay claim to this island. And those tourists are now being shipped back to the mainland. Leaving the island residents to clean up and start hoarding for the winter months. I could definitely live here I would just need to empty my bucket list and get a permanent hair cut. The island does seem a lil less crowded but not by that much and it's easier for me to get a seat at a bar and eat. Speaking of which...
Ok so I think I told you that there are parts of the island that are dry. Meaning no booze and no selling of booze you can't even smell any booze unless you have a permit. This week has been a LONG one and finally I got a chance to have a day shift. I got off around 5 so I was planning to just go to a restaurant and enjoy a 4 maybe 5 course meal. I asked everyone I knew up here ( 10 people ) to point me in the right direction of a good food inlet and to make it snappy. All roads pointed to
State Road restaurant for dinner and boy was I ready. Now for all you DC folks state road is like going to EVE restaurant in that it's near nothing and it's kinda a pain to get to. But the place has just been redone and investors poured in the money to the sum of 3 million plus to get the ball rolling. There's a main building where the restaurant is and then is a garden/farm and another building ( not sure what it's for I almost hit it when I pulled it) ( don't tell SAM thanks). The decor was drawn out and reminded me of a west elm catalog with enough high back chairs and candles to take you back to the pilgrim age. It's definitely a step up from the stone age I mean can you imagine fred and barney in winged back chairs not made of rock? Can you? Do it! Yeah you liked it didn't you!? Honestly there had to be 50 candles at the bar alone thank goodness they weren't scented I would have had an asthma attack. I got in and said that I was just going to be a solo diner and you would have thought I said I was here to rob you. Everyone seemed shocked that I was there alone I mean a guest walked by and asked me where was my comrades?! Bitch please I am an independent brutha doing it for himself okay! It is 2010 and Obama is president!! Speaking of which the president did have dinner at State Road the night before so I was hoping the prices would have been lowered a bit. NO.

So when I finally got to sit at the bar amongst a sea of tea light candles in mason jars surround by beach sand I got the menu and began to read it over like I was taking the SAT. I didn't understand why you are handed a drink menu when the town is completely dry but stupid me asked for a vineyard thyme a mix drink of rum, lemon, and fresh thyme. Lets just say being a cook has it's just rewards and it's about damn time. There were a couple of great specials but I'm a simple guy I like 4 courses and you know that's it. Once again when I gave him my order he asked if I was have someone join me and with a smile I said " Bitch give me my whopper"!!!
I ordered the Sea scallops with mixed greens, avocado, and grapefruit gastrique first. The Duck Confit fettuccine with tomatoes and Parmesan second. Then the Lamb Tenderloin served atop of tomato risotto and curried onion rings for main. I wish I could have had pictures but the glared from all the damn candles ruined all my shots. The food was honestly good and I kinda didn't expect it being that no one had truly good things to say about the place. The flavors were I thought good but each plate seemed to have one thing that wasn't necessary for me. I think the main was maybe a disappointment but not really I just didn't think I needed olive tapanade and slivers of garlic in everything. But great meal all around and a great bartender as well. I had so few words with the other patrons at the bar but after my last outing I kept that to a minimum.
Then it was time for me to pick a dessert and this is my favorite time of the day. The menu wasn't wordy at all and I liked that. I skimmed and skimmed and skimmed and blew out a menu fire cause I was skimming to close to these candles. I decided to try the ricotta fritters ... HEAVEN. They where light and fluffy and served with 3 dipping sauces ( peach jam, coconut jam, and lemon curd) and had it not been for the candles I would have licked the plate and the well nevermindWOOT WOOT... LOW LOW LOW LOW!
So circuit ave is the main strip in Oak Bluffs and most of the restaurants all become makeshift clubs after 10. Dancing and drinking with strobe lights and waitresses who give you the wrong change on purpose. I wasn't please about that. I mean it was different once again I was told but Megan and Lisa that the dating pool was as deep and a bathroom sink. Everyone knew each other and it was kinda weird but yeah it was weird. We started out at the Island Cafe listening to sean paul and a good reggae mix and this lady started to open hand fist pump and I just wanted to just you know just record it but I felt bad. Just then he husband came over and started to do the charleston and I lost it. We left there and went to season's for a relaxing karaoke experience but it's a resort town. Like most resorts everyone good and loud they only pick songs that they have practiced millions of times and perfected each riff and add lib. Needless to say I didn't go I didn't properly warm up my vocal chords with enough booze yet ma'am. Yeah your mother does that too!! We left when so lady chose to sing greensleeves or evergreen something horrible and we headed back to Island cafe for more drunkin dancing. This time there was a particularly drunk guy doing the stanky legs and had he not signaled an all out " you got served" battle I would have just left the situation alone. Ok there was no battle but I enjoy doing the stanky leg for a while brought me back to my youth. We headed over to the lamppost where Liquid was playing an all hip hop cover set. Just terrible and I mean aweful the singer had these massive tits that just didn't look comfortable and the guy looked like a 5'2 ll cool j I didn't know what to do. But they were singing and rapping to salt and pepper, ke$ha, and even the black eyed peas. I thought it was a great ending being that my ears had stopped bleeding for a moment and I could get a clear thought again. What a night to remember and I don't think I will be doing that again well here at least. I only have a week left and there are still a couple places I have to go to see and eat so I'm gonna try and cram cream cram.
Liquid the cover band.... terrible |
had to get fish and chips |
another look and the chocolate pudding wine poached pear and almond tuile |
so the guy with the gloves just caught this yellowfin the day before ... fresh and local |
lemon curd and shortribs... you scared!!? |
the candlelight I refering to at State Road ... ughh |
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