Moving On...
I just thought I would post something small because I had a great night yesterday.
First off I was feeling a little blue before going to bed on Wednesday and I got a text as I was laying in bed from my friend. The problem they were having instantly made me spit out my food and laugh my ass off. I then took that energy and started drawing and drifted off to sleep. I woke the next day from a text beeping on my phone saying we are going out tonight after you get off from work! For anyone else that might be a good thing but for my brain and I... we were freaking out! The outfit alone was an hour worth of deliberating and finally I just threw something on and ran to catch my BART ( SF's premier public transportation ugh).
Fast forwarding to getting to my friend's house we drank a bit of wine and talked about everything for the most part and then headed out for a quick taco and a bus ride downtown. I personally don't like the bus I feel like the people who are on the bus know that no one can get off when they want. My brain always thinks of the worse case scenario ( which lately has been hunger games as if we had to fight for our life to pull the damn cord) and then it spirals out of control from there. The bus had it's usual bum crazed people talking about how she was waiting on you and you never showed up so I went to prom without that bitch. She offended a few people and managed to make us almost piss ourselves but we made it downtown and got to the show unscathed. My friend took me to see flamenco dancers in the cool under a tunnel space in SOMA ( get your maps out people!) and her teacher was performing. An amazing show and after that we needed another drink so while walking with everyone there was a art/dj/club night happening right down the street.

Yeah so the whole place was covered in canvases and the point was to fill up as many as we could before 11pm. It was packed but so much paint and cool people some were professional and then there was me! I had my old saltwater t shirt on from when I worked up in Martha's Vineyard and this guy asked me if I lived there. I told him that for the past two summers I worked up there and was living with the owner's of the place. He started talking about the food and the people who worked there and I was amazed how small our little planet is. Then he started asking about a certain server and I realized how too small this planet was and got creeped out and walked off. But I my friend to paint with me and we tagged our space in the universe meet a fellow Maryland girl from Calvert county and got a beer to soak in the paint fumes and such.
Leaving was easy for me I had a full day of work and a full night of fun. But I'll save the rest for the next post hopefully I can find something to do with these 5 days I got off ugh.
First off I was feeling a little blue before going to bed on Wednesday and I got a text as I was laying in bed from my friend. The problem they were having instantly made me spit out my food and laugh my ass off. I then took that energy and started drawing and drifted off to sleep. I woke the next day from a text beeping on my phone saying we are going out tonight after you get off from work! For anyone else that might be a good thing but for my brain and I... we were freaking out! The outfit alone was an hour worth of deliberating and finally I just threw something on and ran to catch my BART ( SF's premier public transportation ugh).
Our tags! |
Yeah so the whole place was covered in canvases and the point was to fill up as many as we could before 11pm. It was packed but so much paint and cool people some were professional and then there was me! I had my old saltwater t shirt on from when I worked up in Martha's Vineyard and this guy asked me if I lived there. I told him that for the past two summers I worked up there and was living with the owner's of the place. He started talking about the food and the people who worked there and I was amazed how small our little planet is. Then he started asking about a certain server and I realized how too small this planet was and got creeped out and walked off. But I my friend to paint with me and we tagged our space in the universe meet a fellow Maryland girl from Calvert county and got a beer to soak in the paint fumes and such.
Leaving was easy for me I had a full day of work and a full night of fun. But I'll save the rest for the next post hopefully I can find something to do with these 5 days I got off ugh.
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