I had to restart my brain the other day.
I think ( and I hear this from a few people ) that I tend to over think certain things. I figured that I view situations like a equation. I try to figure out as many different ways to solve the problem and then recheck to make sure. So with this knowledge I know now why I didn't do so good in high school math. I have been doing alot of talking with people recently to clear up ram space in my brain. Speaking with family, friends from back home, even people who I seem to have on my Facebook but we have no mutual friends have help me to release some of the info that was trapped up there.
So with my last post still fresh in my mind I am going to take it slow and find a lil more sunshine for myself. Being by myself isn't that bad it actually feels better than being in a crowd bar surrounded by useless conversation and over dressed queens. I signed up for some social clubs to meet and greet people and even a hiking club to get fit and sexified! Everyone could use a little help with that some less than others (..ME ) and meeting new people won't be bad either. So .... yeah I'm ready!
Oh and I'm going 2 months strong without buying anything unnecessary!!! No more addiction!
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