Advice from a Bodhicub
Now that it is getting warmer here in San Francisco I feel my awakening happening. But a few months back I thought I was closing up and heading back home to my parents basement. Where I would spend my days watching dragon ball z and playing xbox. Why the idea of packing up and moving across the country to pursue greater career goals is admirable. The actually fact of doing it is down right insane to some people and I can't believe I'm here.
People must think I'm crazy because I'm always look at every hill, tall building, flower, cloud, bum, and other pieces of shit that no one pays attention to. But the views here are nothing I would have imagined I would see on a daily basis. So after the 3 months of working and finally being able to go enjoy the city a bit I started walking to work here and there. Or calling my friend Ari ( a fellow chef and long time friend also from the east coast) and letting him kidnap me to go hiking. Side note hiking is different for everyone right? When I hear hiking I don't think of walking for 3 hours and sweating through a BRAND NEW LINEN SHIRT!! Just a thought and now we move on.
This city has tons to do alone or with a group of invisible friends in which you are always the center of conversation. Some of my best days off are spent walking through the Mission and ending up at Dolores Park. Where you can watch the bums sunbathe and run from potheads trying to sell you some blue dream or grapefruit stardust. I just moved to a new place with some new roommates who are from Charleston, SC the birthplace of something southern I'm sure. My family is also from there so I thought that would give us a common bond well that and there love of crisco! Not the butter flavored kind I like the paula deen special kind with bits of bacos in it. I've been trying to add some new things into my everyday life. Like eating breakfast and stay with positive thoughts all day.
So I have started to incorporate some Buddhist solutions to my everyday problems in hopes to find a greater peace. At least that's what Nick told me reading this book would do to me. I have a tendency of over thinking and analyzing everything and therefore second or even third guessing myself into a bigger problem. So I have been working out and meditating with Nick more and more and I look a little different and my back hurts from the weights. But the end results will be something great or I will gain a hump and a jaded sense of self. This update was kind of all over the place just like my brain so maybe after a few more months of meditating I can write clearly and with a better pace.
People must think I'm crazy because I'm always look at every hill, tall building, flower, cloud, bum, and other pieces of shit that no one pays attention to. But the views here are nothing I would have imagined I would see on a daily basis. So after the 3 months of working and finally being able to go enjoy the city a bit I started walking to work here and there. Or calling my friend Ari ( a fellow chef and long time friend also from the east coast) and letting him kidnap me to go hiking. Side note hiking is different for everyone right? When I hear hiking I don't think of walking for 3 hours and sweating through a BRAND NEW LINEN SHIRT!! Just a thought and now we move on.
My bud Ari and I I believe this was new year's eve in Oakland! |
This city has tons to do alone or with a group of invisible friends in which you are always the center of conversation. Some of my best days off are spent walking through the Mission and ending up at Dolores Park. Where you can watch the bums sunbathe and run from potheads trying to sell you some blue dream or grapefruit stardust. I just moved to a new place with some new roommates who are from Charleston, SC the birthplace of something southern I'm sure. My family is also from there so I thought that would give us a common bond well that and there love of crisco! Not the butter flavored kind I like the paula deen special kind with bits of bacos in it. I've been trying to add some new things into my everyday life. Like eating breakfast and stay with positive thoughts all day.
So I have started to incorporate some Buddhist solutions to my everyday problems in hopes to find a greater peace. At least that's what Nick told me reading this book would do to me. I have a tendency of over thinking and analyzing everything and therefore second or even third guessing myself into a bigger problem. So I have been working out and meditating with Nick more and more and I look a little different and my back hurts from the weights. But the end results will be something great or I will gain a hump and a jaded sense of self. This update was kind of all over the place just like my brain so maybe after a few more months of meditating I can write clearly and with a better pace.
Nick's Spot!! |
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