Finally a real SF experience
I need this... this is good for me. I have way too many Reese cup wrappers in my trash. So this past week has been great and being single in this city definitely has it's perks. But let's just start this rant on a good note so with that being said the pizza station that I have been trying to master is coming along. I can honestly say that now I am noticing the different hot zones in the oven and how to keep it hot for the entire service. My anger level has risen but yoga has helped me to learn to center myself wherever I am ( that and a joke from the grill guy... I tell whoever is working to tell me a joke at noon and 2:30 everyday!). If your in the San Fran area do come by and grab a bite and watch this guy sling ( not literally ), throw, and sometimes burn a pizza or two.
I started my training this week to be an up and coming bar back at a really nice wine bar two doors down from Zuni. The owner used to work at Zuni and understands my work schedule and I kinda excited about it. Everyone knows that my years spent at the good ole Golden Corral where some of my best years. Cleaning up the filth from little kids, helping old ladies cut up and chew their well done steaks, and even icing a few cakes when I had the time. But the art of serving a customer has escaped me and I like the idea of learning about wine and cheese. It's not a really glamorous job but I look forward to keeping busy there and becoming more well rounded. Plus I can wear whatever I want!!!!
This past weekend was one of my best I'd have to say. I finally understood what it means to "go with the flow". No thinking or expecting anything just moving your feet one foot in front of the other and looking around. I went hiking after work with a friend through the Glen Park canyon and we talked about pretty much everything from Hunger games ( nightmares might come of it), baking, San Fran's political history, weather, and god knows what else. We ended up walking I would say a good three miles around the canyon and then he wanted me to unleash the beast that is GUISEPPE. Kelli don't worry I didn't go through with it because I can't control myself. But he asked me to give him an impromptu cooking lesson and knowing that this was one of my goals I set for myself I said yes. To teach a cooking lesson before the years is out was something I didn't think I would do and he decided that he wanted to learn how to roast a chicken. His place was stocked with everything that a chef would need and want from cast irons pans to beer. Yet that's all a chef really needs and so I showed him how to season and roast this bird in under 45 minutes. Great end to a great and long day.
After all that excitement Dustin and I made the long trek back to glen park and decided to grab a drink at the local watering hole ( I've always wanted to say that ). Glen Park Station is the only bar in the area and from the outside it looks like the kind of place that I would be rushed out of with a pitch fork and a few angry people. But to my surprise it was just another divey cash only bar with a FUCKING HOUSE BAND playing songs that I have never heard. But they were kind of awesome and with the jack daniels is was like being in a concert or watching the Voice on TV. They even played stir it up by bob marley which I could at least lip sync the chorus but apparently no one else knew the words anyway. He could have just repeated the chorus all night for all I cared. But yeah it was definitely a great SF experience and something that hopefully I will repeat as often as my bank account will allow me to.
Wow sorry for the long post but with no pictures I wanted to paint a luxurious picture for you guys. Next one will be short and sweet! I bought a pair of jeans today from the good will and their WHITE!!
A community garden aka a free flower shop! |
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