Exhausted = Guiseppe

So I'm just getting back from a trip of a lifetime (so far) and as I begin to settle back into my real life I feeling a little blah.

When I use the word Blah I don't mean it as a bad thing. I don't really know a good enough word to describe the feeling of being lost or slightly confused and many other things all at once. Looking at every god damn thing I've done it's hard for me to remember a time in which I felt this way. EVER! So I'm gonna use the term blah for now until I come up with a word that fits.

There are some good things happening for me these next couple of weeks and they will be just what I need to spark the essence that is Guiseppe. Don't laugh KELLI!! So let me catch up with everything and get my routine back in check and look for some post soon.

I leave you with a quote from my favorite TV show...
Words to live by!

